Coach Will Robins sits down with Pete Hinojosa to help you get out of coaching Golf and into the mindset of the person in front of you. Pete has more than 25 years of experience in training and development. His background includes design, development and delivery of training curriculum with emphasis on leadership. Pete has owned his own company since 1997, Omega Quest, specializing in leadership development, and was an educator for 20 years. Currently, Pete is the director of human capital development with Insperity where he develops and delivers leadership training to all leaders and managers across the country. He received his degree in biology and composite science in education from the University of Texas. He is a published author and is a master trainer in DISC the Model of Human Behavior.
You’ll learn about DISC, the four temperament model – Dominant, Influencing, Steadiness and Compilant – and how powerful it can be in understanding your tendencies, managing conflict between different personalities and how to coach better for the uniqueness of your players. You’ll be able to consider your students how they react to you and adapt to the circumstances.
Want to hear more from Pete Hinajosa? Come back next week for part two of our interview and receive daily quotes by following him on Facebook at Omega Quest and Quest Leadership Dynamics. If you would like to see his latest presentations visit the Insperity YouTube channel.