We’re back with guest Michael Hebron to learn a little bit more about the paradigm shift in golf instruction he went through as well as some questions and answers from some folks over on the Golf in the Life of Facebook page.
If you haven’t listened to part 1 of the interview with Michael Hebron make sure to go back and do that here!
We dive into some awesome Q&A (thanks for all of you for contributing over on the Golf in the Life of Facebook page), covering everything from an example of what a lesson looks like, what swing cues do you use most,
One concept Michael covers should give you a good chance to reflect on your teaching and coaching – “Is my approach supporting or suppressing learning?”
I love Michael’s example of how he would help someone who was slicing fix their golf swing. It’s so SIMPLE yet revolutionary, I sincerely hope it starts some internal dialogue on how you can improve your learning environment. (around the 11 minute mark)
“I’m trying to shine a light and let students see it different so they can change without me having to tell them what to do.”
“Swing the weight of the club with a sense of one”
“It’s the player that makes a difference, not the information”
This episodes is JAM PACKED full of good info so it might take a couple listens through to catch everything!
Books By Michael
The Art and Zen of Learning Golf, Third Edition
Modernizing Approaches to Learning
See and Feel the Inside Move the Outside, Third Revsion
Golf Swing Secrets… and Lies: Six Timeless Lessons