How do the numbers actually play out when you look at building an audience of 500 people that you can communicate with over the long term?
Instead of just guessing we dive into all the numbers and talk about some very specific ideas and concepts for you to do this in your business.
Below you can see the primary ways we talk about getting traffic and then turning them into email subscribers.
This conversation is being had primarily in the context of content marketing. All organic and not really going down the route of paid traffic.
When creating content always make sure that you’re aware of the potential search traffic. If you can put a couple of keywords throughout (title, url, etc) you’ll be able to pick up some traffic over the course of time.
What I would suggest for every piece of content you create is checking out the Google Adwords Tool.
You can put in a search term and see what people are searching. How many people are searching. Just so you make sure you’re using some of the right words in your headlines and descriptions. Take an additional 5-10 minutes and it will pay off over the long term.
Something you might have thought of but never done is guest posting.
Past guest Tom Stickney is a very active guest writer on golfwrx. A portion of the people who check out your articles and content will make there way back to your site.
And from there a portion of those will hang around and stay in your audience audience.
Taking this a step further – Now let’s say you’re specializing in fitness or the mental game. Reaching out to other very specific sites and asking them exactly what they’re looking for and providing great content for them would be a way to really get to your target audience. Nothing wrong with going to a smaller site with less traffic if you’re able to talk directly to your audience.
For most people the first thing they think when we talk promotion is social media.
But this get’s back to our biggest issue of being targeted.
We’re looking for a very specific type of person.
Often when you go promote via your social media you’re just getting to everyone you know. Other teachers, coaches, friends who don’t play golf…
Although there’s no reason not to show people what you’re doing this really isn’t your goal.
We’re looking to build an audience that is a good fit for your instruction / coaching programs or a good fit when you launch a product or a book. Not a random broad audience of unrelated people.
Local newspapers, radio stations, bloggers, TV stations.
Every one of those outlets are looking for great content. And if you’re going to ask them exactly what they need and provide it for them you’re quickly going to become one of their favorite content providers.
Past guest Jeff Ritter talks about this. Highly advise checking this out.
He never went into a newspaper or any media outlet’s with his own ideas. He always asked what they were looking for. Gave plenty of options and made sure his work was the BEST quality possible.
Is there a great club fitter, TPI certified physic, or even another coach in your area?
You should definitely be creating content and working relationships together.
There is more than enough business to go around.
We talked about this with Jason Glass just a little while back. Don’t be protective or hanging onto to every student.
By partnering together you’ll be able to increase your reach and get your content or free workshops (see below) to more people than on your own.
Want to build your audience. One of the most effecient and effective ways to grow your audience and build really great relationships is hosting free workshops or seminars.
This is HIGHLY effective. If you can get 5, 10, 16 people out to a workshop every month you’ll definitely be able to get their contact information and keep in touch with them over the long haul.
What has worked for you?
Leave a comment below and let’s continue the conversation!