Jim Hardy, PGA joins Coach Will Robins to share his journey from playing on tour to becoming a coach and creator of The Plane Truth. Hardy was named the National PGA Teacher of the Year in 2007, has been nominated to the Teachers Division of the World Golf Hall of Fame, is ranked in the top 10 on Golf Digest’s list of America’s 50 Greatest Teachers, and has been on the biannual rankings list for more than two decades. And for more than twenty-five years, he has also been on Golf Magazine’s “Top 100 Teachers in America” list.
Jim details the strategy of his teaching and gives an in-depth look at his program. His approach comes from correction instead of creation, meaning it doesn’t matter how a swing looks, improvement comes from what is done at impact. He explains the system of plus and minus, how it helps organize all golf information and creates a language that helps each student find the best solution to having correct, repetitive impact.
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