I honestly believe this is a huge year for golf instructors and coaches.
We have come so far so quickly over the past 5-10 years. Not only with technology and knowledge of how to teach, but also with the marketing and communication tools. It’s easier than ever to get a website, email list, scheduling, a blog, up and rolling in a short amount of time without shelling out gobs of money.
It’s truly amazing.
But more people are falling behind than ever before.
Let’s get real. There are more people struggling to make $20,000 in a year than those trying to figure out how to get over the 6 figure mark. Here’s the problem with that… $20,000 simply isn’t enough to support a family with, causing more and more instructors to leave and find a new career.
And if more quality instructors and coaches leave the game that means golf is going to remain stale and continue to decrease in popularity.
Here’s the good news…
2015 is the year that more instructors and coaches than ever are going to realize that this is a business. They (you) have to pay attention to your business model, your marketing, your sales and implement systems (just like any other business) that help support those key foundational aspects.
Relying on word of mouth isn’t going to be enough.
A paradigm shift needs to occur. We heard about this shift in how to be a better teacher and coach from Lynn Marriott, but it’s also happening in the business as we heard from guys like Will Robins and Dr Rick Jensen.
And simply stated – it’s not impossible for you to learn and implement good quality business practices. You can do it. And I want to help you find the information you need…
I’ve dedicated 2015 to bringing more and more content to you all that will help you understand how to build and grow a real “business” in 2015.
We’re going to keep it real.
Only learning from those that pass certain criteria.
It’s not going to be overnight get rich quick schemes or anything like that. I can’t stand that kind of stuff.
It’s going to be more real honest candid conversations about the best ways to grow a real sustainable business. While staying true to yourself and your business.
We’re going to keep the show alive with the best and most insteresting guests available. While also creating some courses that dive deeper into all the topics you want to learn more about. (our first course with Will Robins will be coming out shortly)
So to kick us off we have some really good snippets from episodes from 2014. This episodes with Jeff Ritter and Shawn Humphries talking about setting goals and working hard.