It’s hard to narrow down the most important topics and concepts from 2015 but that is what we’ve attempted to do. We’ve compiled a list of 12 things that are DEFINITELY worth reviewing so you can be the best instructor and coach possible.
HOW TO USE THIS POST > Listen through the show with a notebook and only jot down the topics that are most relevant to you. Then go back and listen to the 2-3 most important shows that are relevant to you.
#1 – Focusing on learning and skill acquisition
Michael Hebron’s story is really interesting because he achieved a massive level of success as teacher of the year in 1991 and then decided to go through a complete paradigm shift and change how he approached thing.
“I’m trying to shine a light and let students see it different so they can change without me having to tell them what to do.”
He has a great perspective and this paradigm shift needs to happen for a lot of instructors and coaches. Learn about this approach at the link below.
#2 – Get Uncomfortable
Tim Suzor and Jeff Ritter are instructors who have thought outside the box. They’be built companies and businesses that are larger than themselves and constantly push the paradigm of what’s possible.
They’re call to action is to get uncomfortable. If you stay comfortable you’re probably not seeing much growth. So get out TODAY and do something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable.
Listen to Tim and Jeff’s Interview
#3 – Give A Little To Get A Lot
Dr Rick Jensen shares an EXCELLENT framework for building an audience and getting new students. Ask yourself these questions to kick things off in 2016.
- Who are the people who make up your ideal target market?
- What could you do with 20% of your time that would put you in front of them so that they can experience (even free of charge) the value that you have to offer?
- Once you are in front of prospective students, how will you clearly communicate your value proposition – the benefit that you will provide for them?
Read the Article from Dr Rick Jensen
#4 – Write and Self Publish Your Own Book
Matt Rudy shares why now is an amazing time for any instructor to create an awesome book and self-publish it. Whether your goal is to have a marketing piece for your teaching or to have an additional product to sell.
If in 2016 you want to write your own book listen to this episode with Matt and the case study with Brandon Stooksbury.
#5 – Biggest Loser Coaching Program
A lot of people are interested in running a Biggest Loser program, but not really sure how to do it. That’s why this conversation with Matt Wilson is worth reviewing.
This structure has a lot of benefits from a student learning perspective and business.
#1 – You can actually coach people and tell them what they should be practicing and working on.
#2 – You’re tracking progress and getting some amazing testimonials.
#3 – You’re increasing your hourly rate by getting students into a group setting.
#4 – You’re creating recurring revenue if you set it up on a monthly or annual basis.
#6 – How to effectively use technology
Eric Jones uses launch monitors in a group coaching experience (something most people wouldn’t assume being very effective). I think this is a great strategy to boost the value of your coaching programs and also allow you to have more studnents in a session because of the technologies ability to act as a virtual assistant.
If you’re trying to remove yourself from the equation and create additional revenue from tech I love Liam’s approach to creating technology memberships. If you have the gear and the space this is a strategy with exploring.
#7 – Create a junior tournament league that continually fills and grows your coaching programs.
If you have a group coaching program adding on a jr tournament league has some massive benefits. Will Robins runs through a few in the linked article below and gives some great advice on how to get started.
The key is to make sure that these players see a path to improvement so they can see how to get better, how to have fun with their friends and want to progress through your coaching system.
Read the Article from Will Robins
#8 – 5-5-5 Program
James Hong shares his brilliant program to get students interested in what you have to offer and get’s you working with groups.
#9 – An Understandable Mental Framework, OSVEA
Iain Highfield shared his mental process, OSVEA in a way that anyone can implement. If you don’t have a mental strategy with students I think this is an amazing resource that can help your students.
Until you define your system in a concrete way like OSVEA, you’ll have a hard time getting students to understand and buy in.
#10 – Fitness and Golf
Jason Glass and Lance Gil both came on in 2015 to talk about myths in fitness and what instructors should learn from the fitness industry.
Listen to Jason Glass
Listen to Lance Gil
#11 – Coaching from a “coaches” Perspective
Michael Michaelides is both an instructor and a college golf coach so he shares his persepctive as a coach of students for years in the college setting.
Most of our conversations about coaching are from teh perspective of instructors and teachers. Michael shines a light on some different topics that most aren’t paying attention to.
#12 – Elite Junior Coaching Program
Henry Brunton shares all the details about how he runs his elite junior coaching program. Henry knows how to run a WORLD CLASS program and has something worth checking out.
If you’re thinking about coaching or working with juniors Henry is a great model to look at and get some ideas from.
Hope you enjoyed all of these!
Make a list of those worth reviewing and make sure to get the content you need before diving into 2016.
2015 has been an amazing year around here at Golf in the Life of. 40+ episodes live on the site 35,000 plays from instructors and coaches around the world. Thank you for listening in and caring about your craft of teaching and coaching golf!
If you’re interested in joining a thriving community of entrepreneurial golf instructors learn more about our new membership program. Learn more here.
This Show’s Sponsor
RGX provides golf teaching professionals with all of the tools and expert consulting they need to start and grow a golf coaching program that can double their revenue while getting better results for their players.
The tools and consulting services are coupled with a specialized software that allows teaching professionals to manage dozens or hundreds of players with ease and get paid faster.
Check out their upcoming workshop on January 27, 2016 here